...nstalled on AKS or Azure VM? It can be used to deploy to AKS via pipe. I am trying to use pipe feature in bitbucket pipelines to deploy to Azure red hat openshift -https://azure.microsoft.com...
...osts, including OpenShift environments. Our new Data Center product images will now be tagged based on Universal Base Image (UBI) from Red Hat, incorporating the latest advancements in security and s...
...ith ease. Additionally, you can now mount Secrets and ConfigMaps to bamboo-agent pods providing more flexibility and customization options for your CI/CD pipelines. Non-Root Deployment on OpenShift...
Hi Team, I am trying to setup a confluence in OpenShift 4 and I have gone thru the confluence setup in Kubernetes cluster with help of helm chart. But it doesn't help me. Is there any d...
I am new to deploying Jira. I am using Kustomize to deploy Jira Software to Openshift Cluster. I am following deployment example https://github.com/zimmertr/TKS-D...
Hello, I have created a webhook to launch a build event with Openshift Pipeline, using the following enpoint: https: //<openshift_api_host:port>/apis/build.openshift.io/v1/namespaces/<n...
I'm trying to run the basic dockerfile of bamboo agent on the Openshift 3.4 cluster. Image: https://hub.docker.com/r/atlassian/bamboo-agent-base I've added the docker init s...
Since I was not able to find much information about how to deploy bitbucket on an openshift cluster, I would like to share valuable insights I had during the process. Initial Setup The initial s...
I have done a bunch of research and googling and cannot find any "How to" on deploying Jira Data Center in OpenShift or OpenStack. Does anyone know how to do this? Please help
We would like to run a cluster of Bitbucket Data Center on Openshift. We can successfully run a cluster locally using Docker Compose with Multicast. On Openshift, we cannot use Multicast and are t...
Hi, I have not been able to configure the webhook for a push in bitbucket to invoke a new build in Openshift Origin v3.9. I have imported the cert from Openshift Origin cert folder to the cacert i...
Hi, Anyone achieved Bamboo integration with the Openshift? Or is there bamboo build plugin available for Openshift to build CI pipeline?
Could someone provide an example how to use bitbucket pipelines to deploy an application on "Openshift 3" (PHP or Node js) ?
I am trying to set up Confluence on a tomcat server on openshift, I followed the instructions here https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CONF33/Installing+Confluence+EAR-WAR+on+Tomcat# but e...
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