Dear JIRA Support Team, I am writing to inquire about the integration solutions that JIRA offers for synchronizing data with Mantis ticketing system and other systems through API. Our o...
...omputer licence. In my company, we chose to work with another ticketing tool, which is Mantis. Our use of Mantis is to point out issues of one of the software during the testing moment. The a...
I am in the process of migrating our Mantis issue database (v2.12.0) into Jira Server (v8.3.3), but the import is failing on every attempt. Both Mantis and Jira are running on PostGres. The error s...
I'm currently trying to integrate our old system Mantishub into jira, but it's not possible. Even the backup file Mantis does not contain entitis.xml ! so we can't have all our data with a...
Hello, we are going to adopt JIRA (cloud) and replace Mantis as an issue tracking tool (not just that, of course, but just that for the sake of this question). Our Mantis instance is hosted, not o...
Hello, after importing from our Mantis System the custom field "Bug Import ID" remains empty. In the documentation (
I have the Mantis to JIRA wizard filled in, but it keeps coming back and saying it can't connect to the database. Can someone who has done this please provide the fields that they used? Thanks.
We used to use Mantis and are migrating to JIRA for everything. We are currently using the "Classic JIRA Workflow" which more closely matches how we worked in Mantis. So an issue goes from Open to R...
I was trying to import our project issues from Mantisbt to JIRA using .CSV import. But I could not find an option to export data from Mantis attachments. So exported attachments from Mantis Table a...
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Importing data from Mantis The option associated with the Mantis Import Wizard is not avaiable.
I have an existing mantis DB the I use as BT and I have all the current bug-tracking, plus all the history. There is a way for import massively at list the open-but tickets? Thanks for your help Luca
I am trying to migrate from Mantis to Jira On Demand and I am trying to figure out what the easiest way to accomplish this is. The answer seems to be exporting from mantis as a CSV file but there i...
...herefore, it is not possible to add it to the project role: '10001' I am coming from Mantis 1.1.8 and using JIM 5.0.4 -- Any ideas? I copied the database from Mantis to a new test schema, and tried r...
Hello, I recently inherited a Mantis 1.0.8 instance. This machine has no test or backup solution for it. I have been asked to get a successful export of the tickets out of Mantis and put into o... are a lot of Trackers, but no Mantis. Where is it
I have imported issues from Mantis using the Importers plugin. Now I am trying to do some cleanup using SQL on the issue database. The issue I am currently working on is, that the Mantis categories h...
Within our Mantis setup we have the fields: Description, Steps to Reproduce and Additional Information Is is somehow possible to merge all of these into "Description" while import or a...
We have a custom field within our Mantis bug track for linking to a public and internal thread from our forums. Is it somehow possible to use that field for create web links during the import f...
During the import from Mantis current the following two fields are created: External Issue ID External Issue URL We will disable (delete later) the URL field after the import, because the o...
Hello, I was wondering if I can use the "External issue ID" of imported projects. Imagine we have imported several projects from Mantis to JIRA. The importer plugin created the issues (e.g. ISSUE-1...
We are migrating our entire Mantis database to Jira, we have used Mantis for the past 8 years or so we need to ensure everything as come over safely and correctly. Does anyone have anyway of p...
I try to import projects from Mantis. Some of them get imported fine, but one fails (at the first step) with an NPE: 2013-04-22 18:07:07,695 INFO - Importing: Issues 2013-04-22 18:07:07,695 I...
A Mantis Project A was imported. All Custom fields from Mantis were created automatically in JIRA. When I import the Mantis Project B, which has nearly the same custom fields as project A, the i...
hello I am using JIRA evaluation and mantis 1.2.2... after complete my import, i notice that attachments era 0kB and can not be displayed. may I configure something else?
I have this error message while importing mantis mysql database into JIRA mysql database.. "13-01-17 15:51:15,575 ERROR - Impossible de relier la demande de 8291 � 7779 par un lien nomm� 'R...
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