Dear ACE Houston Chapter Members, Thank you for being part of the ACE Houston Chapter! As we prepare to kick off our first community event in a long time, we would appreciate your feedback on sel...
Why would date lozenges appear as 01 Sep 2023 when I insert them into a page, but as 01 Sept 2023 after running them through the Page Properties macro? Oddly, the only month that changes to 4 chars i...
Dear support we are using smartling as our translation tool instead of localize, and since there's no integration for it, we want to explore the API of statuspage for translations of inciden...
Hi, I have a project where I need to show locations on my cards in Trello. I believe there should be a power-up called "Map" for this function. But I can't find this "Map" power-up... I'm using...
Hello! We have a Service Management project for managing internal Localisation requests in our company. One ticket received on the Service Management project might have 10 different l...
Necesito el power up de mapas que lo tengo en otros tableros (no lo puse yo) y ahora no lo encuentro.
Is there a way to add a location to an entire list that subsequent cards will then be associated with as opposed to adding a location to each individual card? Example - If I have rolli...
I have a Trello card that has a "Location" field on the right hand side of the card (shown below). I started this project from a template, so not sure if standard field. In any case, I am...
Hi there, We have a reporting requirement to produce reports based on what region the reporters are from. We have Atlassian Access syncing with OKTA for user provisioning. OKTA has access to al...
We are planning to migrate our current small Confluence server (less than 10 users) to Atlassian cloud. As our company is located in EU we are really interested about data location. If we migrate ou...
We are running Confluence Server 7.6 and are running out of space on the default location where attachments are stored. We would like to now re-point Confluence to our storage server for attachments,...
We have a drop-down on our Jira Service Desk issues that list office location. Is there any way to automate the population of this field so the user doesn't need to do so each time they raise a...
Hi. I'm looking at using Trello to store locations for difficult to find/access delivery locations in the UK, ie. locations which cannot be identified via postcode alone. It appears that Trello won't...
I recently discovered the location setting on kanban board is missing. I used to find it as discribed here, but now it is missing, does anyone know how to change location on kanban board in a differe...
Hi all, As a relatively new Confluence user, I hope some more experienced users can help. Currently, we export all files from our user documentation to send to a translation agency, ho...
i try to create a location custom field in Jira when providing latitude and longitude. i want the location custom field will present a map with the location. does it possible?
We are migrating our Spanish-speaking users from an old on-prem Jira server to our cloud platform. I am rebuilding their workflows from scratch and adding translations where allowed. Unfortuna...
We are planning a meetup of the user group for Wed Nov 13th 2019. However, we will not be able to use the Unbounce location this time. Does anyone have a suggestion for a good location th...
Hi - I'm hoping this is the right area for what I think amounts to a feature request. Curious if others have any ideas or workarounds though. The "Map" power-up is really fantastic. Curr...
Hi, Sorry for what is probably a pretty basic question. But we have an employee who has been the primary Trello admin and creator of most of the files that are on Trello. Due ...
Hello, I would like to put the address got from Typeform answers in a trello card (powerup localisation activated). So I used an API call. URL : cards/id Method : PUT Query string key : address...
Over 52% of internet users say obtaining information in their own language is more important than price and 75% of the world’s population doesn’t speak English. It’s no wonder then that successful gl...
Hi, Curious whether there is a way to filter cards in the map powerup. For example so that I will only see cards on the map that either have no due date or are due today. And not the cards t...
we just upgraded to Trello Business and loving the additional features, one that is very useful for us is the google map addition. The first card added map as a power up and yes the map shows on my i...
I work construction and link locations to projects on my Iphone. When i pull up the app on my Ipad there is no location linked to the card or even the option to link one. is there a way t...
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