I've got a monorepo which uses Lerna to publish to NPM. - root - packages/componentB - packages/componentA - packages/all-components I want to avoid building every s...
We have one project that is using a lerna mono-repo structure. For this I not only want to cache the top level dependencies, but also the package dependencies. For this I need to be able to use a w...
Hello i am using lerna to publish tags to repository. It means i am pushing 16 tags at once. The issue is it doesn't trigger the pipeline. I tested with only 1 tag per push and it works otherwise. G...
So I have a "lerna" monorepo. i can cached the main "node_modules" in the root directory using "caches: - node" but when i run "lerna bootstrap" to install the inner node_modules ("/packages/((s...
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