Hi, I have the following issue and looking for help. My Epics are in 1 project and stories in another project. I need an Automation rule to copy the fixversion from Epic to story whenever the Epic f...
Hi Team, We are looking at the Jira data coming to Snowflake. Do you know why the tickets in the JIRA database display user IDs in the format "JIRAUSERXXXX" instead of the actual usernames? While...
I have a workflow which is common across multiple projects. I need to add restriction to a workflow status only for one project and that transition should be done only by specific user group. Is ther...
I want to create a JQL to extract the COUNT/NUMBER of issuetypes that was created monthly, yearly or weekly, all in one gadget or report. I cannot find the functionality for GROUP and COUNT....
Dear Users, I have a Test Plan (I will refer to it from now on as TPLAN-1) which is a collection of tests that are frequently run, so basically I create each day Test Execution with all tests from T...
I am getting the following warning in our log file. Not sure how to fix it /browse/MOB-4950 [c.a.j.plugin.customfield.CustomFieldSearcherModuleDescriptorsImpl] Custom field searcher modu...
The log statements do not return anything when running a script on console. Nothing else is working except log.info While the log statements are working as expected for others in the te...
Hello community, I would be very interested by return of experience regarding split of huge Jira DC instance. In our case, we are studying possibility and way to split a huge Jira DC instanc...
In many organization approvals play a vital role in ensuring that processes are followed correctly, compliance is maintained and decisions are well-documented. Therefore, approvals are a cri...
Hi, Is there a way to save the script which we run in the Jira Datacenter Script Runner Console. Thanks.
Agile development is all about delivering value quickly and iteratively, and a story map is one of the best tools to help you achieve that. It provides a visual way to organize your product backlog, ...
HI team, we have a quarterly plans to achieve our milestones. we don't follow the sprint mechanism, to plan and manage and view we are using advanced roadmaps in our data center version of J...
I want to choose a new primary product team to show in the drop down. Where/how do I create this?
Hello, I want to automate the creation of Jira issues. If CR issues will appear in a certain JQL search, other issues for testing should be created in a different project. I want that every da...
Project Manage Components and Project Settings > Components doesn't work, just a blank window. The Components button from the project left pane works, but the Manage and Project Tools link...
Hello, I am practicing Jira Automation. I have created a manual trigger and some conditions. In the end I pick email as an action. The result is that I get a mail for each issue that has met the con...
Hi, is there any update on integration of jira product discovery to jira data center (on-prem)? We are planning to switch from Productboard to JPD and I can't believe this might not work. T...
Hello, In jira data center 9.12, it shows the issue but div class="issue-header-content" is missing div id="opsbar-opsbar-transitions". What could it be? In production environment dont' appea...
I'm trying to create global automation rule and in this rule I will need to use the assignee email to send notification: {{issue.assignee.emailAddress}}. but in case the assignee is empty I want the ...
Hi support team, I want to send an email to the component owner (the one who has been assigned as Lead of a component) when an issue is transitioned to Approved status. The steps are: - Trigg...
Q: I was building a new instance of jira, using version 10.3.2, and then I moved the old version of the jira plugin to the new version's folder, and then I noticed the plugin wouldn't start in the s...
Hello, I have multiple issue which contain around 13-14 sub-tasks linked to them. I know for a fact that when we add a parent task into a sprint the child will get tagged with the same sprin...
Hello, I got 2 tables: Table 1: T | Key | Summary | Epic Link | Parent Link T can be a Epic. Then it has a Epic Link Or T can be a Story. Then it has a Parent Link. Table ...
I have Jira data centre version, I will like to use build GenAI capabilities on the same. What are my options?
Even though I am using the Turkish language in Jira, the 'All Portals' text is not being translated into Turkish. Is there a previously opened ticket for this? Also, the text 'Required fields are mar...
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