Hello Atlassian Community! I’m excited to kick off a discussion about how various teams within organizations utilize the same apps in different ways. It's fascinating to see how a single t...
...hat bring together a mix of identities, roles, and experiences from both personal and professional backgrounds. These differences create a diversity of thought. Here’s why diverse teams are t...
...nother McKinsey report from 2015 found that, of 366 public companies, those in the top quartile for gender diversity were 15% more likely to have returns above the industry mean. A study of 4,277 S...
...ome ways that companies can think about identity beyond just gender and racial identity and sexual identity? What are some policies that you’ve seen or you would like to see that promote diversity a...
The tech field can seem cutthroat and unappealing to women. But does it always have to be? In this event on March 11, women in various roles at tech companies share their stories and advice for how t...
Editor's note: This information will be shared across the Atlassian social media assets, and we wanted to make sure our Community was aware as well. 😄 -- Pride has always been about carryin...
...oung girls that anything is possible! The discussion of gender diversity, women’s rights and equality for women has been the age old debate surrounding issues like gender pay gaps, oppressed women's s...
These days it is not uncommon to see the term work/life blend used instead of work/life balance. Your work place may encourage you to bring your authentic self and be open to being vulnerable. Why w...
...ou can use before, during, and after your next meeting. When we create an environment that encourages diversity of opinion and participation from all attendees, everybody wins. As much a...
Hello Friends, Its Tuesday and you know what it is:) Topic Tuesday. Today our topic will revolve around just-concluded Atlassian summit. Empathy + Diversity: Do you feel like you belong in your t...
...it of luck and focus on having an open company culture, the chances of achieving gender diversity might just increase, as it did for us at RefinedWiki. Just over three years ago RefinedWiki had an a...
As we ramp-up for Summit U.S. 2017, many of us look forward to one of our highly anticipated events, Diversity in Tech. This year's event will include a great group of panelists d...
The theme of our Diversity in Tech programming this year is "Diversity, Allyship, and Bringing Inclusive Practices to Work." With that in mind, I wanted to share an article I wrote, about how to t...
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