Precondition Im the admin for the project and the board. Plugin Name : Easy Agile TeamRhythm for JIRA Version : v8.4.0 Issue There are now a large number of views that I can't modify, only share...
I inadvertently created a TeamRhythm board in a Jira project. How do I delete the board?
Hi, We're using Easy Agile User Story Maps for Jira plugin, and it shows in all projects, but I would like to have it only in one project and pay for the users from that project, not for the en...
Am finding it quite restrictive to be limited to the amount of text that's visible with only the two lines that seem to be legible on the lane at the top of the view Other than scaling desktop resol...
Just trying out Easy Agile Story Maps and have turned on the hierarchy view to add our objective layer above Epics, however the project used for objectives also contains objectives for other teams wh...
Sorry if this has been answered before Setting up a board to use for Story Mapping When I add Epics and refresh the page, they disappear I had assumed that the UI would make some automatic link, b...
We use a quick filter with a query for "fixVersion = earliestUnreleasedVersion()" in our Story Map with the intention to filter for all stories in that version. This works, but only when that version...
Is there a way to filter by issue type on the Easy Agile plugin? I've used Easy Agile to create a story map, but it's cluttered with bugs and technical tasks. The customer would like t...
I have a user who would like to add additional fields in the issue preview screen when in the Story Map view. IF the issue has Linked Issues, they would like to see the linked issues in the Preview S...
We are trying to author a requirements document and create the epics and user stories as part of that authoring. We have a real problem trying to use the relevant Apps. One of our Apps Requirements ...
We have a board that contains multiple projects. The epics at the top of the StoryMap are not reflecting all of the stories that the epic contains. For example epic TMOTOT-36 contains a n...
In Jira free, I have a next-gen project where the user story map works flawlessly. In my classic project it doesn't even show up. I've been trying for hours to get it to show before I pay for it. T...
Hi, I’m Teagan, a Product Manager here at Easy Agile. Are you an Easy Agile User Story Maps customer who uses Personas internally to help drive product development? If that’s you and your team, I’...
Hola, Recientemente instalé Easy agile Story Map, pero cuando ejecuto la aplicación me sale un mensaje indicando que se ha producido un problema. Agradezco la ayuda para solucionarlo.
Have multiple boards in a project which leads to all versions showing up on the Story Map when selecting "Version Swimlanes" in an individual board. Is there any way to only show the version swimlan...
Hello, I have a field in my screen for story and epic which is not visible on my user story maps in jira server. The field is filled and can be viewed on issue's view screen but does not appear on u...
I am trying to play with Easy Agile and I have run into a situation that I can't figure out. I am on the Increment Roadmap and I see my Epics in the Roadmap Backlog. But, when I drag the epic ...
Should I be able to see the sum of story points for all stories in an epic on the roadmap issue popup details for an epic or on the roadmap epic rectangle itself?
Hi Team, To our Jira user stories, we link issues usually test cards / related stories etc., Is there a way to create linkage / relationship between issues while using user story maps.&...
The Easy Agile User Story Map add-in v6.0 comes with a new Issue Preview Editor, but there doesn't seem to be any public documentation about how to configure it. Can the list of fields shown on t...
We are currently using Epics within the "program" to group all the user stories that will be released. They normally belong to any "step" within the customer Journey. We just group them. Th...
We have a board which doesn't use rank to sort issues, Filter Query is like this: project in (BLUBERRY) ORDER BY Flagged ASC, Due ASC, Priority DESC, component ASC Now, we can't sort epics in use...
Hello community, is it possible to save the filter settings of a story map? Or is it possible to set filters of a story map and having an url which automitcally opens the same view? Best regard...
We have Easy Agile installed. When viewing all the Epics and Stories via the Story Map, if we apply a Quick Filter to show only specific Issues based on their label, the Stories, Bugs, Sub-tasks etc ...
Is there a way to remove or filter Epics, from top row on Easy Agile Story Map plugin, that are not part of the sub-product we are story mapping for? The available Epic filter removes the stories, b...
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