Perhaps this is supposed to enhance discoverability of project templates, but there seems to be no way to disable this behavior, exclude/hide a given board from results, etc. When searching for the query "camp" to find a card I made about camping, I get eight results, almost two screenfuls, of cards from the Trello example "Project Management" template, before I see one result from my own boards. See the screenshot at the end of this post.
The same does not happen in Trello desktop search. And I have tried signing out of the app, clearing storage/cache, and signing back in again, but the "Project Management" board clutters my search results all the same.
Is there anything to be done about this? I suspect it is impossible to influence this behavior with the current tools given. I have tried everything I can think of. Cards in board templates are illustrative tutorial type things, not true content that a user typically desires to find when searching, especially when that content surfaces above the user's own content.