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I'm still using SouceTree 1.7 b/c I prefer... well, everything about it.

rufwork March 30, 2018

Just for fun, I thought I'd ask if anyone else preferred the UI from back in 1.7. To my eyes, at least, it's much less fatiguing to take in at a glance than the flatness of more recent releases, with nice, though old-school, cues about where widgets start & stop. Sort of like having serifs in a font.

The colors are also more muted, giving information rather than everything demanding attention at once in an overly egalitarian fleet of brightness floating on a flat sea of white.


I was using 2.x for a while, but after some usability issues and the too-frequent updates (can we get a truly stable branch?! ;^D), I wondered if I could live in 1.7 again. Turns out it's easy to do, and was a welcome change for my eyes. Occasionally I get some slowdown that requires I remove "invalid directories", but that's been the only downside so far.

I'd love to get new features and benefit from anything specifically git related that's been done in the last few years, but in day-to-day use, I haven't seen a single shortcoming in essentially daily use (beyond the dictionaries) using 1.7.

Anybody else parked on 1.7? Is there something I'm missing but couldn't do without if I went back to the latest? Could I get a 1.7-style theme in case I ever do want to come back?

(And don't worry, I've performed the registry hack to prevent URLs opening SourceTree in 1.7.)

1 comment

Henrich Horváth
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
April 17, 2018

Can you use embeded git v2.15?


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