What are the troubleshooting steps for the Domain Verification process for the Identify Manager feat

Brett Mayhew January 30, 2018

I have gone through the steps outline in the early access for Identity Manager access.  using the html option we have place the verification file in the root directory (https://www.fti-net.com/atlassian-domain-verification.html), but when attempting to verify the domain we get error message "Opps problem verifying domain please try again later."


Please advise.




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Atlassian Team
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August 16, 2018

If you have a second domain being redirected from the domain you were verifying, this would not work. Only one redirection to a www domain prefix is allowed. For example, you can only successfully verify domains on https://example.com/ and/or https://www.example.com/

You can perform redirect checker to check if your domain is making multiple redirections causing the domain verification to fail.

You can also use SSL checker such as DigicertSSL Shopper or SSL labs to verify if your  SSL still valid or not.

Hope this helps!

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