We have a JIRA user who had access to our Jira via another domain name. It has since been deactived

Deleted user February 28, 2019

Previously we provided a user with a different domain name access to our Jira and she has indicated when she recently tried to access through her name@differentdomain name she receives a message that the account is disabled.  We didn't disable it on our end.  What is the next step to have the account reactivated?  Is it through her domain's contact Jira administrators?

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Dave Meyer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 1, 2019

Hi @[deleted]

If you can confirm with that user that her account is disabled for all Atlassian properties (for example, she can't even use it to log in to community.atlassian.com) then it means that her "differentdomain.com" Atlassian administrator has disabled her Atlassian account globally. If she knows who the Atlassian administrators at her company are (or can use the contact Jira administrators form on her company's internal Jira instance) then they can reactivate her account.

Unfortunately since her account is managed by her company's administrators, the only way to work around this without involving them would be to create a new Atlassian account for her on your own domain or on a personal domain like @gmail.com


Dave Meyer

Atlassian Access Product Management

Deleted user March 1, 2019

Hi Dave, thank you!  I asked the user to contact her company's Atlassian administrator and had it reactivated.  Thank you for your help.

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