Not able to Deactivate org and site admin account

Paul.Coker April 15, 2020

My current org and site admin has left our organisation and there are no other org and site admin assigned to this role. How can I add the org & site admin to my permission and revoke leaver?

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Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 16, 2020

Hello Paul,

Welcome to Atlassian Community!

When it comes to the Organization, only the Org admin can add and remove other admins. 

Also, we can do that by confirming some information and asking for permission for the main billing contact. 

With that said, it's necessary to create a ticket with our support, since we need to share private information and involve other people.

As you are a site admin you can create a ticket. Please, go to  and create a ticket for "Technical issues and bugs". Since the ticket is private, you can already mention in the description the name of the person who left. 


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