Jira Software and Confluence Cloud login with ADFS

Monika Agarwal February 11, 2021

I am trying to configure Configure SAML single sign-on with AD FS. I have followed all the steps mentioned in (https://support.atlassian.com/security-and-access-policies/docs/configure-saml-single-sign-on-with-ad-fs/)

But after that on "Step 4. Test your SAML single sign-on integration", I am not able to test the integration.

Am I am missing any other step?

We can jump on a quick call if needed.


2 answers

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Monika Agarwal February 14, 2021

I am looking for a call with Atlassian support to discuss the issue. Let me know when we can jump on call.

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Pramodh M
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February 11, 2021

Hi @Monika Agarwal

Please send the invite to whiletrueisinfinity@gmail.com if you are interested!


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