Jira SSO failed (too much identities)

SayLiu Liu August 3, 2020



We accessed the altassian sso login, and only one of the hundreds of users reported this error. We tried to delete this user and add it back to altassian. But in the end this error was reported.  Which error url is https://id.atlassian.com/login/callback?error=unauthorized&error_description=too-many-matching-identities%3FcurrentConnection%3Dsaml-7911d5ed-9b41-4909-a84b-dc7e58e1d2c5&state=https%3A%2F%2Fdomain.atlassian.net%2Fjira%2Fyour-work

1 answer

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SayLiu Liu August 6, 2020

Maybe it is a bug of atlassian

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