Is this possible to use REST API to get all account sync from Google Workspace?

Quyen Hoang September 27, 2022

My problem is I can't find any REST API docs to get only user account which is sync from our Google workspace. 

Is it possible to do it? Or it just can get all users in an organization. 

Thanks all!

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Dave Meyer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 28, 2022

Hi @quyen's hoang ,

The "Get users in an organization" endpoint should return all managed accounts in an organization. For an org where you're syncing with a Google workspace, this should return all your synced users.

Quyen Hoang September 28, 2022


Thanks for your response. 

I understand the "Get users in an organization" will return all managed accounts. But if my organization have synced users from multiple Identity Providers, the API will return all accounts from other IdPs too not only Google workspace users. Is it correct?

Have a good day!

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