How to log out users from Jira Cloud

Antonio Francis November 3, 2019


We use SAML single sign-on and yet some of my users are still asked to enter a password after they have not used Jira Cloud for a couple of months. Because we are charged per user when a user does not need to use Jira Cloud for testing for example three months I revoke their site access and reinstate it when they need to use it to save being charged for users who do not use it often.

Is there a way to completely turn off entering passwords as we use SAML single sign-on so I don't understand why my users have been asked to enter in a password as when I create them they aren't asked to enter one then.

I need to disable this function.

Any suggestions please?



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Dave Meyer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 10, 2019

Hi Tony,

Can you confirm that the users that are asked to enter a password have account email addresses on the domain you have verified? If you have enabled SAML SSO, users should always be directed to your SSO provider if they are one of your managed accounts. If this isn't the case, I recommend contacting support.


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