How to cofigure user provisioning with atlassin access to sync users from unverrified domains

TAYEBWA NOAH April 25, 2022

Hi all,

Basically we want to migrate from atlassian hosted servers to atlassian cloud for Jira and confluence. 

From my research, this involves the use of atlassian access in case you want to integrate atlassian cloud with an identity provider. This comes with the limitation of using a verified domain.  This becomes hard for us being the fact that our community doesn't have a central domain. Our wish would be users would create accounts and login using different mail domains ie @gmai, @yahoo, @hotmail among others. 

When I look through user provisioning, it looks like we can sync users of non verified domains from an identity provider and sync them to atlassian cloud. I literally didn’t find proper documentation for this but it looks like its possible.

For proper description of this question, take a look at this thread


My first question, Is it possible?

My second question is how?

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