Changing order of the names in Access

Peter Cselotei - Lupus Consulting Zrt_
August 5, 2023

How to use the Displayname attribute at Atlassian Access instead of the format Firstname Lastname?


In some countries, the companies store their employee names in their IDP-s (Identity Provider) other than the format of Firstname Lastname. These formats are usually stored in Displayname.


I can show the Microsoft Azure - Atlassian Access solution.

There are 2 different mappings to handle: provision mapping and SSO handling. Both have to be modified in order to use Displayname.

Provision mapping

(If somebody hasn’t utilized Access before, they can jump to step 3.)

  1. If names are already in sync with Access, then Firstname and Lastname fields have to be cleared from Access. This can be done by first deleting Firstname and Lastname attributes from IDP. (We will write it back after handling the mappings)

  2. Name values have changed, so Provision will run on them. If it didn’t yet, or it needs to happen faster, it can be done by running Provision On-demand.

  3. Now it’s time to modify the mapping, so Firstname and Lastname should be deleted from it:

    • Original mapping:


    • Modified mapping:


  4. From now on, attributes of Firstname and Lastname won't sync by provisioning. But before writing back the names in the IDP, SSO mapping should be handled too.

SSO mapping

SAML Single Sign-on will Just-in-Time update a User's Atlassian account based on the givenName and Surname Attributes sent as part of the SAML SSO authentication. This means if a User was synced via User Provisioning with a Custom Display Name value, it will be overwritten if SAML sends something else via givenName and Surname.

  1. Modify SSO Attributes & claims by deleting surname and givenname attributes

    1. Original:


    2. Modified:


  2. After the modification, Lastname and Firstname attributes can be written back to IDP


By modifying the mapping of Provisioning and SSO, from now on only Dispalyname will be synced to Atlassian Access for all of the currently existing users and for new users too.


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