New Epics not showing on Project Board

June 13, 2022


We are running into an issue when new Epics for a Project that do not show on our project board. (we even added child tasks to our new epics) 

Anyone experiencing the same issue, or with an idea why this is happening? Our hosting is in the Cloud - is there a lag maybe?

thanks a lot,


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Max Foerster - K15t
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June 13, 2022

Hi @Ludi ,

so the newly created Epics are not available in the left-hand panel of your Backlog (where you also find available versions)? Can you make sure that the Epics are included in the board filter? If they are not, they will not show up. But that will not keep you from being able to select them in the Epic Link field.

Best, Max

June 13, 2022

In the Backlog, they appear, and when selected only the Issues for that Epic get filtered. That works! :)

It is in the Board view, when we GROUP BY: 'Epic', that the epic and the associated Issues/Tasks are missing. (all other filters are cleared)




June 13, 2022

Issues that are 'Backlog Issues' will not show on the Board View. The 'Group By' for an Epic is 0.

So in order for a new Epic to appear on the Board View, it needs to have child Board Issues/Tasks. If they are simply Backlog Issues/Tasks, it will not display.

One can move tasks by simply drag and dropping them:

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