Best way to differentiate between multiple boards on the same project

Yogev Tal December 16, 2019

When working with multiple boards on the same project, there are several ways to differentiate between them.
People who encountered with this challenge and found a solution that works - I will be happy to learn from your experience 



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Kat Warner
Atlassian Partner
December 16, 2019

Are you looking for something more visually obvious than the name of the board?

Are you a board admin? There are a few configuration options that make a visual change that could help indicate which board you are looking at. This could be using the quick filters, card layout, and/or issue detail view.

Iago Docando
Rising Star
Rising Star
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December 16, 2019

I'm guessing you mean "differenciate at a glance" because as Kat said the name is a really obvious difference.

If you're working with a relatively small group of boards a quick fix could be just editing the color of the gadgets in each of those boards.

Hope it helps.

Yogev Tal December 17, 2019

@lago, @[deleted]  - Thank you for your answers
I should have been more clear on my request - 

We are working on one project, with one backlog of our product, and multiple scrum teams
For that, we have issued several boards (on the same project)
The target is that each of the boards will only see 'it's own' Epics/Stories/Bugs/etc..

I read that that labels is one option, however - I am looking for a better ways for differentiate...

Thank you!

Iago Docando
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
December 17, 2019

Ok, then. I believe I understand better this time.

You don't have to configure each board itself. You have to configure each gadget in each of the boards you have to show those issues.

Instead of configuring your gadgets to show results from a particular project you must define a series of JQL filters that suit your needs and configure your gadgets to show the results for the filter you want.

On top of that, you could assign a color to each team as a visual hint so they instanctly know they're looking at the information they're suposed to.

I hope that is what you're looking for.

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Tim Keyes
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 8, 2020

G'day @Yogev Tal ,

On the Jira Align team we spend a lot of time helping customers delineate their scrum teams across boards and projects as they scale agile to the enterprise in Jira Align.

Our recommended practice for Jira Align would be sticking each scrum team on its own Jira Project and having a completely separate Project for the Program (Epic) backlog that all teams work towards.  You can bring in Jira Epics on your team scrum boards (projects) using filter queries such as Project = A or (Project = B and issuetype = epic) 

When using multiple scrum boards under a single Project we recommend naming the boards after the scrum teams and creating a custom team field (single select list) that contains all the team names.  You can assign the issues their team using the custom field and utilize a filter query such as Project = A and Team = Apple

I hope this helps provide some ideas!



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Yogev Tal January 8, 2020

Hey @Tim Keyes ,
Thanks for the reply
We have eventually used the Component field to distinguish between the scrum boards
Since this field is supported from Epic level through sub-task, it allowed us to have a full separation between the teams backlog while working on the same project



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