
Mahantesh Hooli November 2, 2023

Hi All, i would like to create board for team, where i should the total remaining hour estimation for each member in total for the current sprint...

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Valerie Knapp
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November 3, 2023

Hi @Mahantesh Hooli , thank you for your question.

What I have understood you are asking is

In a sprint, you want some kind of automation to calculate, for each member, the remaining estimate of work left

You could use a dashboard gadget for this, where you have a filter query like -

project = "Project Key" and assignee = currentUser()

and the dashboard gadget, 'Filter results'


I think to get some kind of live display of the work being consumed from within the sprint board might be possible with an app, but with the standard functionality, I think this is a more feasible solution.

Please let me have your feedback about whether you think this could work for you.


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