unable to delete epics and issues

Niels October 30, 2020

Hi Community,


I am running a Confluence & Jira cloud version (free). Unfortunately I cant delete any issue or epic in Jira. There is allways an error message telling me I dont have enough permissions and should contact a Jira-Admin. But I am the admin, since the roles cant be modified on the free version I dont know what to do now... Do you have a idea?

Thanks and Best Regards!

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Deepanshu Natani
Community Leader
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October 30, 2020

Hi @Niels 

You need to have the "Delete Issues" permission assigned to be able to delete an issue in Jira.

Please check if you have this permission assigned to you.

Niels October 30, 2020

Hi Deepanshu,

thank you for the quick reply! As I mentioned in my original question I am using the "free" cloud version and therefore I am not able to adjust any permission. According to the documentation every user should be able to delete issues and epics in this setup. No user can delete them currently.


Best Regards,


Deepanshu Natani
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 30, 2020

Were you on a standard plan earlier and later switched to free?

Niels October 31, 2020

No, I setup a free plan for confluence and later (about 3 Months later) added a free plan for Jira to see if it is the right tool for my needs.

Niels November 1, 2020

@Deepanshu Natani can you please enhance my user privilege so I am able to delete issues and epics?

Deepanshu Natani
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
November 1, 2020

Not sure why you are still facing this issue. May be someone else who has faced such issue can post a reply here!

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