ticket automation

Rej May 9, 2023

How do you automate a ticket to be created every other month and also every three months.

I have a recurring job that needs to be done every two months and another ticket every three months.

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Dirk Ronsmans
Community Leader
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May 9, 2023

hey @Rej ,

Within Jira you have the Automation engine. One of the "triggers" of automation is a "Scheduled" trigger.

With this one, you can a schedule based on a CRON expression to create an issue (or perform other tasks) based on a specific schedule




Rej May 9, 2023

Thanks for this info but I am stuck on how I would use the CRON expression to schedule it to create the ticket every two months or three months.

Dirk Ronsmans
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
May 9, 2023

to figure out the correct CRON you can always use an online tool such as https://www.freeformatter.com/cron-expression-generator-quartz.html

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Rej May 9, 2023

Perfect, thank you @Dirk Ronsmans!

Just what I needed

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