service desk users

Yossi Bello
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September 16, 2020


Currently, we have multiple admins in Jira and 80% from them are not using with Jira service desk at all

How we can revoke them only from this platform and not from the other Jira services? 

We just pay for, unfortunately, we pay unnecessarily

Please advise 




3 answers

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John Funk
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September 17, 2020

Hi Yossi,

Take them out of the jira-servicedesk-users group. It is that group that makes them an Agent and costs you money for JSD. 

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Dirk Ronsmans
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September 17, 2020

Hi @Yossi Bello ,

So i guess you just want to to not have a license consumed for the JSD product?

I assume you check what groups are set up in your product access page. if they are an admin they are able to configure everything but if they don't "work" in any JSD project they don't required the product access.

You can then either revoke this manually for each user or if you have a specific group in the product access that shouldn't be there you can remove that.

Yossi Bello
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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September 17, 2020

@Dirk Ronsmans Thanks but unfortunately the JSD is turned on automatically on each admin user and I can't disable those users manually the features is in gray mode 

Please advise it's just spent money for nothing ...

Dirk Ronsmans
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September 17, 2020


HI @Yossi Bello

Apologies I completely missed that it was in a Cloud environment.

Which roles do these admin users have? I'm guessing Site Admin?

If so they are auto-added to the Site-Admins Group which has default access to the product. You can view that on the Groups menu.

Could you perhaps provide more information about such a admin account that you wish to revoke product access for (groups/role)?

If you only need them to have admin access perhaps removing them from that group and adding them to the jira-administrators group might be a better way of handling this

Or, removing the product access globally from the site-admins

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Fazila Ashraf
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September 16, 2020

@Yossi Bello  , if you have the standard setup of cloud, then can you check whether the admins can only be added to <product-name>-admins group?

Admins that belongs to the <product-name>-admins groups – administer product settings, but they don’t have access to the product through this group.

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