notification email after assigning a task

Nasim Sajadi September 11, 2012

I need to know if there is a setting, so that anyone whom a task is being assigned to can receive a notification email?

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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
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September 11, 2012

Add 'current assignee' on the notification scheme for Issue Assigned event.

Nasim Sajadi September 11, 2012

Thanks, but the thing is I don't have Notification Scheme on my issue page in admin.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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September 11, 2012

Notification schemes belong to projects, not issues. Look at the project admin

Nasim Sajadi September 11, 2012

Thanks , Can you tell me where is project admin? in my administration I have "issues" and "General". which in Administration > General > Projects I just can add new project and have a list of my current projects.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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September 11, 2012

Er, in the project.

Go to the project header and you'll see swathes of stuff about the schemes it's using. As an admin, you can change them.

I'd recommend skimming to get a feel for it.

Nasim Sajadi September 16, 2012

Thanks, I have another question. I have already set up my notification, but I didn't receive any emails.

I'm using the JIRA in the cloud so I reckon I'm not supposed to define SMTP server as we are using their server.Am I wrong??

Can you please help?

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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September 16, 2012

My understanding is that sending email is handled by Atlassian, but I'd check the docs.

Have you tried the standard "send test email"? Can you check your account profile to make sure you haven't got "email me on my own changes" flag set? (If you're the only one testing so far?)

Nasim Sajadi September 17, 2012

How Should I try the test email? I got email from Jira when first the admin invited me. So isnt it enough?

And the flag is not on.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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September 17, 2012

Should be enough - if you've had one email from Jira then you know the physical link is working.

So, you need to work through the notification scheme stuff as described in the documentation . If you need help with that, you're going to have to tell us exactly what you have configured and where. I would find or create a test issue in your project (or even a test project) so you can test with that without breaking your real data. As you seem to be completely stuck, forget that there's a huge long list of events to react to, and look JUST at the EDIT notification for now (because you can edit the test issue over and over and over)

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