can you use issue.function in Jira cloud?

Deleted user March 4, 2019

Trying to find epics with open stories across multiple projects. Would normally use issue.function but getting permission error in jira cloud?

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 4, 2019

Hi Dodger,

I am not on the Jira team, but I will try to help.

Can you elaborate on where you are trying to do this?  Are you creating a filter with JQL?

Deleted user March 4, 2019

We have Jira Cloud. In my previous role we had Jira on premise. There used to use the issue.function functionality to identify Epics with open stories.

When I try to use it I get a permissions error?

Like Marty likes this
Deleted user March 4, 2019

saw this from 2014

Maarten CautreelsMaarten Cautreels COMMUNITY CHAMPION Mar 24, 2014

Hi Jay,

I'm afraid this isn't possible in OnDemand. For the download version there's a plugin called Script Runner. And do stuff like:

issueFunction in subtasksOf("project = XXX AND issuetype = Task AND status = Closed")

But I'm afraid that isn't possible on the OnDemand version (yet).



Like Marty likes this
Deleted user March 4, 2019


project = PLAY and issueFunction in subtasksOf("statuscategory != done")


get response

Field 'issueFunction' does not exist or you do not have permission to view it.

Like Marty likes this
Deleted user March 4, 2019

same with this query

issueFunction in parentsOf("project = play and status = Open")

Samuel Prathipaty
October 28, 2020

Any solution this with out using scriptrunner on cloud version?

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