all assignees are different person which one will assign finally in the issue ?

anjali s October 2, 2023

If a project has default assignee , compone lead as assignee & in workflow also its setting a assignee , all assignees are different person which one will assign finally in the issue ?

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Asha Goyal
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October 3, 2023

Hello @anjali s ,

Since the assignee will be set through the postfunction in the workflow, the workflow assignee will always get the priority.
Feel free to ask in case of any other queries.


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Tim Kopperud
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October 3, 2023

Hi @anjali s

Default assignee will only be applied to the issue if component assignee is not set. Since component assignee is set in your case the new issue will intially set the assignee from the component.

Jira fethes all default settings before the issue is created, then creates the issue with those settings. After creation it will execute post functions. 

So, after the issue is created the assignee will be overwritten by your post function in the workflow.

So in the end (in your case) the workflow assignee will be assigned. 


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