Why tasks are automatically coming back to the

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October 11, 2019

Hi all, when working with the backlog I'm often moving tasks between the epics. I noticed strange behavior in one particular epic. When I move the tasks to another epic they return to the original after a while - I checked the history and this shows that my colleague is moving them back. After second time I approached him to ask and found out he is not available that day. So there is some automation in Jira which is doing this on his behalf and we don't have a clue how this was configured. I confirmed with him he didn't have any interest in those tickets. 

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Jack Brickey
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October 11, 2019

I would agree that if he is not doing it himself then some automation is involved. You need to first understand what automation addon you have and investigate it for the project in question. Given the history is showing that your colleague is named in the transition I would assume he has some knowledge of the automation.

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