Where is the Jira Governance and Housekeeping Training?

Sally Wine
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May 15, 2024

I can't fined the Jira Governance and Housekeeping training, is there a new training that is similar?

2 answers

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Ellen Walter
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 4, 2024

Hello @Sally Wine! This specific course was retired, but you can find guidance on Jira governance in our updated Jira admin learning paths. These lessons might be particularly relevant for you:

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Chris Rainey
Rising Star
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May 15, 2024

Hi Sally,

I believe that skillbuilder course was removed as part of Atlassian revamping their University trainings and certifications. These are some courses that I found that may be similar but you can also search on the page in the link and see if you can find any closer to what you're looking for.

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