Using R4J plugin, I'm unable to display the project field of a linked issueson a Word template

Laurent PIANFETTI November 2, 2023


I'm trying to generate a specification document from my R4J Tree and I'm facing a issue when, for each issue of the tree, I try to display and use the project of a linked issue : null exception in the generated document.

Here is the extract of my template that generates the issue :

[[\if $.linkedissues.count > 0]]Linked requirements:
[[\variable.link_requirement ‘TRUE’]][[/variable]]
[[\each $.linkedissues]]
[[\if $.name = “contributes to”]]
Contributes to “[[$.issue.summary]]” ([[$.issue.key]]) [[$.issue.project]]
[[\\wiki $.issue.description]] [[/wiki]]
[[\variable.link_requirement ‘FALSE’]][[/variable]]
[[\if $variable.link_requirement = ‘TRUE’]]

Thank for your help

1 answer

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Angelica Salazar
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
November 3, 2023


[[\if $.linkedissues.count > 0]]Linked requirements:

[[\variable.link_requirement ‘TRUE’]][[/variable]]

  [[\each $.linkedissues]]

   [[\if $.name = “contributes to”]]

      Contributes to “[[$.issue.summary]]” ([[$.issue.key]]) [[$.issue.project]]

      [[\wiki $.issue.description]] [[/wiki]]

      [[\variable.link_requirement ‘FALSE’]][[/variable]]



[[\if $variable.link_requirement = ‘TRUE’]]




I tested this block of code that you have, and it does work. I just added a closing if block at the end.

If it's not working for you, there may be other parts of your template causing the null exception, so we'd need to have a look at your entire template.

If you require more assistance, our friendly support team will be happy to help!

Best regards,

Laurent PIANFETTI November 6, 2023

Thank for your help @Angelica Salazar 
Here is my code :


[[\template issueDetails]]

[[\variable.project $.project]][[/variable]]

URL de l’exigence : [[$.url]]


[[\wiki $.description]][[/wiki]]

[[\if $.description = “”]]Pas de description[[/if]]


[[\if $.attachments.count > 0]]Pièces jointes :

[[\each $.attachments]]

  • [[$.]]



[[\if $.linkedissues.count > 0]]Exigences liées :

[[\variable.link_requirement ‘TRUE’]][[/variable]]

[[\each $.linkedissues]]

[[\if $.name = “contributes to”]]

Contribue à l’exigence “[[$.issue.summary]]” ([[$.issue.key]])

[[\\wiki $.issue.description]] [[/wiki]]


[[\variable.link_requirement ‘FALSE’]][[/variable]]



[[\if $variable.link_requirement = ‘TRUE’]]



[[\variable.link_requirement ‘TRUE’]][[/variable]]

Autres liens :

[[\each $.linkedissues]]

[[\if $.name = “relates to”]]

Est liée à l’exigence “[[$.issue.summary]]” ([[$.issue.key]])


[[\variable.link_requirement ‘FALSE’]][[/variable]]



[[\if $variable.link_requirement = ‘TRUE’]]







[[\each $selectedProject]]

[[\recurse $.folders]]

[[\levelheading $.name]]

[[\wiki $.description]][[/wiki]]


[[\variable.parent $.key]][[/variable]]

[[\recurse $.folderissues]]

[[\levelheading “(“ + $.issuetype + “) “ + $.summary]]

[[\apply-template issueDetails]][[/apply-template]]

[[\variable.project $.project]][[/variable]]







Angelica Salazar
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
November 7, 2023


I just copied your code into a Word document and tried to use it. It works fine for me. I am able to export without the null exception you mentioned.

Can you share the exact error you're experiencing? 

Best regards,

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