Use multiple quick filters in a Kanban boards

Hugo Raphael Santos de Castro August 17, 2022

Hello everyone,

My project is organized in 4 components (Front1, Front2, Front3, Front4). I created quick filters based on components on Kanban borad so I can see issues from each front separatedly. 

I want to use more than one filter at the same board. For exemple, I want to check filters Font1 and Front2 and see the related issues. 

It is not working, because I belive Jira filters issues from Font1 AND Fron2, but I would like it to be Front1 OR Front2. 

Is it possible without creating new quickfilters? 

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Tessa Tuteleers
Community Leader
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August 17, 2022

Hi @Hugo Raphael Santos de Castro , 

welcome to the community! 

Sadly, this is not possible, as explained in depth here.

- Tessa

Hugo Raphael Santos de Castro August 17, 2022

Thank you @Tessa Tuteleers 

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