Unexpected type of JSON object member with key "sub" in Postman

Hiroshi Nishio September 4, 2022

I used Postman to check if the API works and got this error.
The configuration is as follows

Error message = Unexpected type of JSON object member with key "sub".
Endpoint = https://suchica.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/myself
Authentication method = Bear Token
Access Token = eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1N.......... .eNPQT1AkZt5Ftqtod8
Scope = read:jira-user

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Hiroshi Nishio September 4, 2022

The endpoint was not correct.

This is because I think I use OAuth 2.0 (3LO), so I need to use the latter one.


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