Trying to create a scripted field to numerically calculate status of children in an Epic

Joshua May
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April 21, 2023

Hi all,

I am in the process of trying to create a scripted field that I can use to make calculations based on the status of all child issues in an epic. 

So essentially it needs to grab each child issue in an epic and fetch the status of each. 

For example, we want calculations to assign 0% to "Open", 20% to "In Assessment", 50% to "In Progress", 80% to "In Review", and 100% to "Closed" or "Resolved". The final calculation is just taking the average of all of these for the children and making that the final return to the field in the epic. 

Any help is welcome as I am not the strongest with the groovy language but am trying to learn!

Running Scriptrunner and Automation on our Data Center instance

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santu sharma
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I'm New Here
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April 21, 2023

I am in the process of trying to create a scripted field that I can use to make calculations based on the status of all child issues in an epic. 

So essentially it needs to grab each child issue in an epic and fetch the status of each. 

For example, we want calculations to assign 0% to "Open", 20% to "In Assessment", 50% to "In Progress", 80% to "In Review", and 100% to "Closed" or "Resolved". The final calculation is just taking the average of all of these for the children and making that the final return to the field in the epic. 

Any help is welcome as I am not the strongest with the groovy language but am trying to learn!

Running Scriptrunner and Automation on our Data Center instance

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