Time remaining

Pierrick JUSSELME January 17, 2023


I don't understand jira remaining time behavior :

In my screenshoot, you can see that i have filled only the "original Estimate" to 22h and save it.

remaining 1.png

But when i go back to edit, the "remaining estimate" has been filled automatically to this value too

remaining 2.png

(And vice-versa => i tried fill to only "remaining estimate" and save. When i go back the "Original estimate" take the value from "remaining estimate")


My objective is to have a good chart to help project manager but is not well calculated,

It should be Original Estimate - Logged time = Remaining time

remaining 3.png



Does someone can  help me, perhaps a configuration mistaken ?


Thanks community :)

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Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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January 17, 2023

Hello @Pierrick JUSSELME 

What screen are you on when you fill in Original Estimate? Are you creating the issue, or editing it after you created it? 

When did you log time against the issue? Was that before or after you set the Original Estimate?

Pierrick JUSSELME January 18, 2023

Hello @Trudy Claspill ,

I'm editing it after the issue creation.

In my exemple, the engineer have already logged his time then i edit the "Original Estimate".

I have retested, and i understood if one of the value is empty so it take the value of the other. 

My question is : Does the "remaining estimate" can be calculated  ? if yes how ?

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
January 18, 2023

If time has already been logged when you are filling in the Original Estimate or Remaining Estimate fields, the Remaining Estimate will not be recalculated to account for time that has already been logged.

The Remaining Estimate will be automatically recalculated, and the user has the opportunity to manually reset that value, each time that they log time.

Pierrick JUSSELME January 19, 2023

You're right => I just did the test and it confirms what you said.


Thanks for your help on this topic :)

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