Time-logging app

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April 12, 2023



I've spent a lot of time searching and testing time-tracking and reporting apps. But have still not found a suitable app. So I hope maybe some of you can suggest an app that lives up to our requirements. 


I'm looking for something with at least the 2 requirements below:

1. Reporting view
We have a very thorough reporting process where the reporting view needs to be convenient and easy to look at. We are currently using reporting in OpenProject, which is how we need to see it, see the photo below. Most time tracking app shows names, and issues under each other, which makes the list super long and inconvenient. 

Screenshot 2023-04-03 at 08.47.42.jpg

2. Roles and rights
We need there to be restricted roles and rights, leads of teams should be able to see team members hours. Team members should not be able to see each others.


I've tested:

Tempo (Problem is the reporting view, otherwise it has all requirements we need)

Activity Timeline (way to complex)

Worklogs (Does show the reporting view as we want, but has no roles and right restrictions)


I will keep testing other apps, but in the mean time I would highly appreciate if anyone here could suggest a good time tracking and reporting app.

Best regards,




4 answers

2 votes
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
April 14, 2023

Hi @Pia 

I'd like to suggest Cost Tracker for Jira Cloud app from my team. It combines time & cost tracking + permissions management. As an administrator, you can set members of which Jira group will be able to see the people list, worklogs, and rates; generate and manage reports and finally manage access.

In case employees' rates are based on logged hours, you can track and calculate costs for issues, projects, sprints, versions, etc.

Regarding time reports, there are three options:

  • The scope tab shows the list of issues with any work log in the selected period
  • The team tab shows the work log amount against every user.
  • The total tab summarizes the Work log for the period.

time tracking for jira users.png
There is a 30-day free trial, so you can check if fits your needs.

0 votes
Nataliya Vasyliv_Reliex_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
April 20, 2023

Hi @Pia ,

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. Based on your request looks like ActivityTimeline is the best fit - our plugin offers roles and rights restrictions and various reports.

ActivityTimeline might look too complex because of its many features. We can provide a demo session where you can learn all of the features and get more details. Please, book a product demo session here - https://activitytimeline.com/schedule-demo

Please contact us if there's anything else that we could do to make your experience with ActivityTimeline better.

Nataliya, ActivityTimeline Team

0 votes
Dániel Ballabás - EverIT
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
April 14, 2023

Dear Pia,
I'd like to bring Timetracker - Time tracking and Reporting, our app for Jira Cloud to your attention. In it, the report example you mentioned would look like this:

riport minta.png
As for the case of different permissions, you can set users or user groups (managers, team lead, for example) who can see other users' worklogs, and users who can only see their own worklogs. This is how the setup looks like on the Admin view:

We are happy to show you how it works in action, or how it can be easily set up in your own environment. Just book a demo whenever is convenient for you.

Best, Daniel

0 votes
Sebastian Brudziński
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
April 12, 2023

Hello Pia,

since there are several apps named "Worklogs", I'm not 100% sure which one you tried. If it was our app - Worklogs - Time Tracking and Reports, I wonder if you have tested the permissions configuration that we have available and documented here - https://soldevelo.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/WA/pages/1479245882/Permissions

On the Permissions page, you can configure which users and groups can see all worklogs, while the remaining users can only see their own time entries.

If you haven't tested our app yet, I invite you to do so - it looks like it should meet your requirements. You can also book a demo with our expert and we will showcase the app and answer any questions you might have.

Best regards,

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