Tickets Not Showing in Board View - JWM

September 11, 2024

Hi All have a new board and I have experienced this issue infrequently in another Jira Work Management board I admin but this one is really acting up. Hoping for a recommended fix.  Very puzzling and hoping for help from someone who has experienced this or is aware of what is causing it so I can fix it up. 

1. I have no filters applied


2. List view shows 8 issues in total all in To Do Status except 1 in Done


3. Board view shows 2 issues in To Do status and 1 in Done


4. Workflow is very basic with all statuses being able to turn into all other statuses.


5. Tickets were all created Manually by Admins. 

6. Test performed: If I change the status of the ticket, it appears on the board in the new status. I can even change it back to To Do and it will still stay on the board (temporarily) if I go back a week later it will be gone again. 

7. Other observations: Our first tickets we created, also manually All consistently stay on the board and do not vanish. BPDR-1 and BPDR-3 (Both assigned to me).  However, BPDR-2 does not show on the board, created the same day as 1 and 3 but assigned to a co-worker. All 3 that show on the board consistently were assigned to me. 

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Valerie Knapp
Community Leader
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September 11, 2024

Hi @ayoung , thanks for your question. 

I believe you're coming up against this problem 

Done issues are automatically hidden after two weeks in this kind of project, which a lot of people don't like, so your best bet is to vote for this issue. 

I hope this helps. 


September 11, 2024

Hi Valerie, Thank you for the reply! 


Read over that link and that does not quite fit my issue as: 

  • We only completed 1 ticket so far and it shows on the board in Done. 
  • It's tickets in To-Do that are not showing on the board. 
  • The only tickets that do show on the board in To-Do are much older than 14 days. 45 to be exact. It's newer ones that don't show. 
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Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
September 11, 2024

Hello @ayoung 

Every Status value is assigned to a Status Category.

There are three Status Categories which are color coded. The color coding dictates the lozenge color for the Statuses in that Status Category. Here are the Status Categories and their associated color:

 Status Category Name color 
To Do 


In Progress  blue 
Done  green


Your Status named "To Do" has gotten assigned to the "Done" Status Category. This is indicated by the fact that the "To Do" status is shown as a green lozenge.

The hiding of "Done" issues applies to all Status values that are in the "Done" Status Category . In your current configuration both your To Do and Done Statuses are assigned to the Done Status Category, therefore issues in both of those Statuses will be hidden automatically when they have been in those Statuses for 2 weeks or longer and have not otherwise been updated.

This functionality is hard coded and not configuratble.

However, it is a fixable problem that the To Do Status issues are getting hidden. You simply need to change the Status Category for that Status to the "To Do" Status Category instead.

In the New Workflow Editor you would follow the numbered steps shown in this image.

Screenshot 2024-09-11 at 3.33.25 PM.png


In the original Workflow Editor you would follow the numbered steps shown in the images below.

Screenshot 2024-09-11 at 3.36.18 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-09-11 at 3.39.39 PM.pngScreenshot 2024-09-11 at 3.40.31 PM.png


When you have the To Do Status properly assigned to the To Do Status Category, those issues will no longer be automatically hidden.

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September 12, 2024

100% this was the issue! Not sure how that got set as a Done Status but it absolutely was and these instructions were easy to follow to fix it :) Thank you Thank you! 

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