Tempo-Planned Time

Clare Lawson July 15, 2022

Hello!  How do I populate accounts with Planned Time in Tempo?  I want to add the allotted hours for the account.  Is this possible or do I need to set this up differently?  tempo planned time.PNG

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Dave Mathijs
Community Leader
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July 16, 2022

Hi @Clare Lawson , do you have Tempo Planner installed as well (besides Tempo Timesheets)?

Clare Lawson July 18, 2022

No, we don't have Planner installed.  Is this where I will find what I am looking for?

Susanne Götz _Tempo_
Rising Star
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July 18, 2022

Hi @Dave Mathijs , 

To view information about planned vs actual time, you need to have both Tempo Timesheets and Tempo Planner installed. 

Please take a look at https://help.tempo.io/cloud/en/tempo-timesheets/generating-reports/planned-vs-actual-reports.html for more information about this report.

Best regards,
Susanne Götz
Tempo team 

Clare Lawson July 18, 2022

Hi Susanne,

I do have planner installed.  Sorry about that.  Let me read this. 

Clare Lawson July 19, 2022

Hello.  Where do you actually log the planned time for an account?  I understand how to run the report, but where do I enter planned time for an account?

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