Task disappeared from the board.

Emmanuel J April 4, 2023


We have a problem with a jira project, randomly some tickets disappear from the board when they change status. They are not on the board anymore but they appear at the bottom of the backlog. By changing the status of the jira ticket it would appear in the board again. Watching the video, we can see this behavior. All status are mapped


Jira Software 8.20.15

The request that does not return this ticket is this one.


Tested with different browser. 

who already had this problem and found a solution?


2 answers

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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April 4, 2023

With all status mapped into the board, then the only way I can think to replicate this would be to have a post-function, listener, or automation that is fiddling with the "sprint" field.

Or a human is doing it, deliberately or inadvertently - do any your transition screens have the sprint field on them?

Emmanuel J April 4, 2023

When the ticket disappear from the board and go to the backlog, the field sprint keep the same value, the status too. I checked I dont have post function. It' dont explain why 2 times it's works and the third with the same modification it change

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 5, 2023

That's the only way I can think this might be happening.

For an issue to appear on the board, it must

  • Be selected by the board filter
  • Be in a status that is mapped into a column on the board
  • Have the current active sprint in the sprint field

For an issue to appear in the backlog, it must

  • Be selected by the board filter
  • Be in a status that is mapped into a column on the board
  • NOT have the current active sprint in the sprint field

The only other thing I can think of is if something is re-ranking the issue when you update it.  If something is pushing them to the bottom of the backlog, then that is implicitly pushing them out of the sprint (because the sprints are, by definition, ranked highest).  But I'd expect that to change the sprint field too (unless it's something that's been not thought through)

Emmanuel J April 5, 2023

Thanks for you answer.
If you check the video you could see, I do the same change with status and the third time the task disappear.  

I compare the 2 stats  with /rest/api/2/search?jql=key=PLAYRTS-5145 if the goal has changed but nothing is different. They have the same sprint goal link

Maybe I can ask the value in DB to check the real stats...

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 5, 2023

There's no point looking in the database, it's not going to tell you more than the UI does, and it's a right royal pain to find too.

My next step would be to look in the issue history - what fields is it recording as changing when you change status or edit it?  And when the problem occurs, look around your changes - is the history recording any ranking or sprint changes around your edits (within a couple of minutes either side)?

Emmanuel J April 5, 2023

CleanShot 2023-04-05 at 18.15.32@2x.pngCleanShot 2023-04-05 at 18.16.04@2x.pngCleanShot 2023-04-05 at 18.17.23@2x.png

Emmanuel J April 5, 2023

i change only status and it's disapear during in progress state

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 5, 2023

You're not giving it long to complete the transitions and refresh there.

But it still looks like you have something ranking it at the bottom of the backlog (i.e. outside the current sprint) when you transition it.

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April 4, 2023

Usually, when it goes to the backlog is when its change to a status that is mapped to the backlog. If the status matches to a status that's mapped to the backlog, that is correct behavior. If that's the case, would check the ticket history and check any workflow automation that may have contribute to this issue.



Emmanuel J April 4, 2023

when I edit the ticket, it goes back to the sprint too

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