Swimlanes show done/closed epics

Olga May 11, 2023

Hi, I have read all community posts about this, but nothing worked out....

I want swimlanes based on OPEN/IN PROGRESS epics. With the standard swimlane config the old stuff also shows up.

What I already tried: 
- Create quickfilter to exclude closed/done epics. --> Does not work properly, instead ALL swimlanes get hidden. JQL: issuetype = Epic AND status not in (Closed, Done)
- Configure basis board filter --> Does not work. excludes all other issuetypes AND swimlanes are not visible anymore. JQL: project = "XY" AND "Epic Status" not in (Done)
- Creating individual JQL queries for swimlanes --> does not work. I must create one query per epic, what does not makes sense, as new epics will not appear automatically in the board. 


2 answers

0 votes
Nagabharana S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 11, 2023

Hello @Olga ,

I have replicated the behaviour and did a screen recording. Kindly check and let me know if that can meet your expectation. In the board below I am only filtering Open / In progress EPICs and even if I move one EPIC to Done and they are not seen in the board after a refresh.    Board showing only inprogress _ open EPICs.gif

You have to configure board with a JQL filter, not add a filter to board settings. I have used "issuetype = Epic and status not in (Closed, Done) order by created DESC"  filter.

Let me know if the requirement is not the same.

0 votes
Nagabharana S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 11, 2023

Hello @Olga

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

I understand that you would like to create a board view where you only have OPEN/IN PROGRESS epics and they are further viewed / configured as 'swimlanes per epic'.

You can try the below steps :

  1. Create a filter by navigating to Filter > Advanced issue search and use JQL issuetype = Epic AND status not in (Closed, Done). Save the filter.

  2. Create a board by navigating to Your work > Boards > View all boards > Create a board, and choose kanban board.

  3. Create board from JQL filter : Choose the last option : Set name and use the filter saved in first step. Location can be personal or any project.
  4. Make sure you are seeing all Epics excepts the Closed or Done on the board.
  5. Click the 3 dots top right corner of the board to access board settings > choose swimlanes and in the drop down select 'Base Swimlanes on Epic'.

Please share the results.

Olga May 11, 2023

Hello and thank you so much for you feedback and support! I tried exactly this already, please see my initial post: 
- Configure basis board filter --> Does not work. excludes all other issuetypes AND swimlanes are not visible anymore. JQL: project = "XY" AND "Epic Status" not in (Done)

I have retried it again with the same result: The board does not show anything. Please find here the board and the filter: Screenshot 2023-05-11 115941.pngScreenshot 2023-05-11 115802.png

Naturally it does not work. The filter as proposed by you does exclude all other issuetypes. I can see this in the issue navigator. 

What else can I try? As said: neither the quickfilter nor individual queries could solbe my problem. Reading the other blogposts about this issue it didn't work out for anybody else? 

Jonas February 21, 2024

I'm having the same problem. Adding this comment to watch.


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