Sprint burndown treats both Done and other (custom) status as completed?

Roger Rohrbach February 21, 2020

We recently replaced the default In Progress status (column) in our next gen project Board with several new columns: In Development, Test Ready, In Test and Test Complete.  We did not change the name or position of the Done column.

Our sprint burndown report now treats issues that are either Done or In Development as completed (see screen shot).

Is this a bug?


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Ste Wright
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February 22, 2020

Hi @Roger Rohrbach

This isn't something I've seen before unfortunately.

I did try to replicate it in our instance but couldn't. I would suggest raising it with https://support.atlassian.com/ to see if there are any known issues :)


Roger Rohrbach February 25, 2020


There are many "corrupt burndown report" issues, mostly relating to classic, not next-gen, projects.

I work in a large organization wherein the Jira admins are on the other side of the world, so getting my bug report upstream is going to be a slog...sigh.

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