Show validator error showing in View screen not in finish screen

Sreedevi Kr November 12, 2023


In task workflow after Inprogress state we have Done state and transition is Finish.
We have setup 
Finish screen in Finish transition. We have to set up a validator showing some fields are mandatory before moving issue to Done state. We have created the validator using Custom script validator Scriptrunner the error message is coming in Finish screen.


But we want to show this validator message in issues view screen not in Finish screen, as the mandatory fields are in view screen tab not listed in finish screen.

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Brant Schroeder
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March 29, 2024

@Sreedevi Kr Validation takes place on the transition.  You would need to add the fields to the transition screen so they can be completed and the validation can be met.  Since transitions create the event that checks the validation this is the only way it will work.  The view screen does not fire off any events.  Here is some helpful documentation 

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