Set assignee field of the epic from one of the child issue(custom issue type).

Vishnu Vardhan Chenna
March 4, 2024

I'm trying to update the Epic assignee from its child issue(custom issue type).when the epic transitioned to a particular status and the child issue is in "To Do" status.

for the above scenario I need automation rule.

kindly help me there is any workaround.



Vishnu Vardhan.

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John Funk
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March 4, 2024

Hi Vishnu,

It doesn't make sense to update the Epic assignee based on one of the child assignees. You might have multiple children, so every time one updates, it overwrites the Epic and the Epic then keeps changing. That's not how it should work. 

Vishnu Vardhan Chenna
March 4, 2024

Hi @John Funk 

Yes we need this You might have multiple children, so every time one updates, it overwrites the Epic and the Epic then keeps changing. 

if any possibility/workaround please let me know.

John Funk
Community Leader
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March 4, 2024

I don’t understand - what’s the purpose of having an assignee for the Epic if it’s constantly changing?

Vishnu Vardhan Chenna
March 4, 2024

Epic status moment based on child issues and this would be automated. when epic is in particular status epic assignee should not be unassigned. 

this was the requirement. 

John Funk
Community Leader
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March 4, 2024

I am confused again - you never mentioned the Assignee being unassigned. 

What are the EXACT requirements for what you are trying to accomplish? 

Vishnu Vardhan Chenna
March 4, 2024

Epic Workflow containing

To Do







for each epic status we have custom issue types( status-a, status-b, status-c, status-d and status-e) these custom issue types are the child issues of epic and the workflow is

to do 

in progress


when the status-a issue is in progress the epic moves to Status-A from To Do and the assignee of the epic should be copy from the status-a assignee and status-a issue completed then the Epic moves to Status-B and the assignee should status-b issue assignee. 

status-b issue completed then the Epic moves to Status-C and the assignee should copy from the status-c issue. 

hope you understand the scenario.


Thank you.

John Funk
Community Leader
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March 4, 2024

That still makes absolutely no sense to me, but hey, knock yourself out with it.

You will need an automation rule that has a trigger of Issue Transitioned. Use the two statuses for To Do and In Progress. 

Then add a Condition for Issue Type = status-a

Then add a Branch for Parent

Under the branch add an action for Transition Issue

Set the transition to Status-A

Then add an action for Assign Issue

Use Copy from another issue - use Issue that triggered rule. 

That will take care of Status-A. 

Create a second rule for Issue Transitioned to Completed. 

Then add condition for IF/ELSE. For the first If, use Issue Type - status-a

Then add a Branch like above for Parent. 

Then do the same things you did for the first rule under the branch. 

Good Luck!

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