Set Security Level By Users Not In Security Level?

Paul Tiseo August 23, 2018

So, I believe that the only users that can set a security level are the ones that are in that level?

If so, is there any creative way to allow this? For example, I'd like to have a security level that is 'managers-only', which contains project managers. Why can't any user set this?

I have ScriptRunner. I'd be open to a plugin also (we run on-prem).

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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August 24, 2018

True - because most users wouldn't like to have the option to hide something from themselves (it confuses most)

With ScriptRunner, it's not too hard.  Three options:

  • You could write a listener to pick up edits and scan them for something that would tell you to set the security level.  I don't like this because it'll "vanish" an issue without warning.
  • Put transitions in the workflow that say "elevate security", and use SR to create a post-function that again sets a security level based on data given.  Again, it'll vanish the issue, but you'll at least have the chance to use a transition name that gives the user a hint before they click.  It will write change of status to the history too, even if it goes back to the same status, which you might not want.
  • A more simple option - use a SR "web fragment" to trigger a script that changes the security.  You've got more chance to give it a descriptive name, it can go outside the workflow in a menu or button, and it will only write the change of level to the history.

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