Roll up story points to Epics, once a day

May 22, 2023

We have a need to roll up the story point values of all children tasks, story and bug under their parent EPIC. We have built an automation task that does this triggered by a change in a child task story point value.  Using this fantastic Atlassian community area to source the solution. 

This has helped us with new Jira projects moving forward but doesn’t do a historical rollup over the many inflight projects with existing story points.   We are not going to go into inflights projects and modify a single task within each Epic to get the rollup to suddenly become accurate.  We have alot of inflight projects already with story points assigned, who doesn't. 

Thus I would appreciate help to discover a bulk rollup automation across a whole project once a day, perhaps 7:30am in the morning before stand up.  Not triggered by a change in story point value of a task.

We don't have scriptrunner or unlikely to purchase another scripting APP, we want to use standard automation.  ideas are welcome, thank you for reading.

2 answers

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Christoph Winkler September 28, 2023

a late answer, but maybe of help to others

we use this (put together from several other answers in this forum to similar questions)

(actually we added custom fields for this)

Automation - Jira – Mozilla Firefox-2023-09-28 11_56_47.png

0 votes
Dennis Lindqvist May 22, 2023

What do you mean by "roll up"?

All the story points of the tasks within an Epic is available in the Epic Burndown report.

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