Restriction for Kanban Board

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May 24, 2023

Hi All,

We have products to use Kanban Board, to tidy up the board I have used the Kanban backlog.

However, PBIs cannot be moved to backlog due to restrictions. "Something isn't letting us move FLOOR-2874 to Backlog. Ask your project administrator to check the workflow settings and transition conditions."

Is it possible to isolate the required fields when using Scrum board from Kanban board? So I can move the PBIs freely and utilize Kanban backlog effectively? There are hundreds of PBI so manually updating will not be productive.

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Trudy Claspill
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May 24, 2023

Hello @YohrizaC 

Welcome to the community.

The message you are seeing is usually displayed when trying to change the status of an issue. Is "Backlog" an issue status? What is the current status of the PBIs that you are trying to change to "Backlog"?

What action are you taking exactly when you are trying to move the PBIs to the backlog? Can you provide screen images to illustrate what is happening?

If there is something in the Workflow that is preventing the Status change that will affect both Scrum and Kanban boards. You can't change the workflow based on the board. The workflow applies to an Issue Type in a Project. A board is just a way to view and manipulate the issues.

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