I have installed QuickReload 3.0 plugin on Jira Server Software 8.8.1
Registered parameters in the set env
set JVM_SUPPORT_RECOMMENDED_ARGS = -Datlassian.dev.mode = false -Djira.dev.mode = false -Djira.contextbatching.disabled = false -Dconfluence.devmode = false -Dconfluence.context.batching.disable = false. -Dquickrecked \ worckspace \ jiraplugin \ target \
/ plugins / servlet / qr
The following directories are being tracked for changes:
C: \ worckspace \ jiraplugin \ target
QuickReload managed system properties:
Fast mode currently active.
System Property:
plugin.webresource.batching.off false
atlassian.dev.mode false
jira.dev.mode false
jira.contextbatching.disabled false
confluence.devmode false
confluence.context.batching.disable false
When I package the project to target the plugin is not updated