Question Tempo Report Permissions

kgshashi November 16, 2023

Good Day !


I have 3 vendors submitting timesheets on weekly basis.

I have created 3 Tempo teams and separated the users.


How do I restrict one vendor to see the timesheet of others in the tempo report.



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Dave Mathijs
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November 16, 2023

Hi @kgshashi 

Project Permissions

If all vendors are logging time in the same project(s), then you need to remove View All Worklogs permission for the users in the permission scheme associated with the project.

Team Permissions

Have a look at the Team Permissions documentation and the Permissions Overview.

The View Team Worklogs is only available for the Team Lead and Team Members

kgshashi November 16, 2023

Hello @Dave Mathijs 


Thanks for your quick feedback.

Yes, we have the permission as below


 View All Worklogs                                 Project Role



However this "Managers" role has been assigned to groups - Vendor1_managers, Vendor2_managers, Vendor3_managers ...

We have a Tempo team created for each Vendor

Vendor 1                  - Users ( Vendor1_users, Vendor1_managers and Vendor1_developers)

Vendor 2                  - Users ( Vendor2_users, Vendor2_managers and Vendor2_developers)

Vendor 3                  - Users ( Vendor3_users, Vendor3_managers and Vendor3_developers)


So managers at each Vendor could access to worklogs from all the vendors


With above setting, is there a way to restrict the worklogs for Tempo teams.

Please suggest.



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