Query to find defects without a passed test connected to it

Dirk Knoke February 26, 2024

Hi all,

in our JIRA XRAY project no defect has to be closed without a linked testrun in status 'passed'. To find out, if there are closed defects without a positive test I tried the following JQL querys:

project = XXXX AND issuetype = Defect AND NOT issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf("ISSUETYPE = 'test' and TestRunStatus = pass") AND status = closed

project = XXXX AND issuetype = Defect AND issueFunction not in linkedIssuesOf("ISSUETYPE = 'test' and TestRunStatus = pass") AND status = closed

This query shows all closed defects wether they have passed testruns or not. Does anyone have an idea what is the problem?

Many thanks!

2 answers

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Dirk Knoke March 12, 2025

After numerous workshops with Atlassian, Decadis and XRAY-Support it is the result, that JIRA has a problem with their API, so linkedTo and linkedIssuesOf does not work properly anymore. Hopefully, this will be fixed in the future.

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John Funk
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July 8, 2024

Hi Dirk,

This is really old, and not sure if you ever solved it not. But it is probably a grouping thing. Maybe try:

project = XXXX AND issuetype = Defect AND (issueFunction not in linkedIssuesOf("ISSUETYPE = 'test' and TestRunStatus = pass") AND status = closed)

Dirk Knoke July 22, 2024

Hi John,


thank you for your answer! The problem is not solved yet. I tried your suggestion, but it did not work for me. I also thought that it may be a grouping problem and tried some different groupings and wordings with 'not in' and 'and not' but nothing seems to work. 

Our IT-department startet a request at Atlassian and they rolled out a database analysys tool and gave some advice regarding reorganising the database but nothing helped till now.

The crasiest thing about this is, that a similar filter I used last year worked at that time but in this year not, so something is different now. Maybe one of the JIRA patches made this mess.

Our IT-Department is now adressing this to Adaptavist, maybe they will find out something.


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John Funk
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July 22, 2024

Sounds good. Sorry I couldn't be more help. Hopefully between Adaptavist and Atlassian they can get it solved. 

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