Powershell New-JiraIssue returning reporter required when reporter value is given

Christopher October 5, 2022

I am using JiraPs in Powershell to attempt to create a new Jira Issue  When I run the code below I receive an error saying that the reporter is required.  However I am providing a reporter as queried.  I have also attempted giving the accountid my admin provided to me in the format XXXXX:XXXXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX

This results in the same error message.

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$User = "myuser"
$PWord = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "myAPIID" -AsPlainText -Force
$Cred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $User, $PWord
$reporter = (Get-JiraConfigServer -Server "myserver" -ErrorAction Stop) + "/rest/api/3/user/search?query=" + $user
#$accountId = (Invoke-JiraMethod $reporter).accountId
set-jiraconfigserver -Server "myserver"
$fields = @{
Components = @(
@{value = "company"}
customfield_10029 = @{value='DatabaseQueue'}

New-JiraIssue -Project "DEV" -IssueType "Sub-Task" -Reporter $accountId -Summary "Test for backup automation" -Description "Test for backup automation" -Labels "Maintenance:Refactoring" -Parent "DEV-251" -Credential $cred -Fields $fields -Debug:$True

How do I retrieve and pass a valid reporter?


3 answers

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Answer accepted
Christopher October 18, 2022

I worked through a ticket with the folks at jira to get the answer.  The reporter has to be passed through the fields section using the reporterid.  Code should look like this.

$fields = @{
Components = @(@{name = 'Century' })
customfield_10029 = @{id = '10231' }
reporter = @{id = "99999:999aa9a9-9999-99a9-99aa-aaa999999999" }
New-JiraIssue -Project DEV -IssueType Task -Summary $BriefDesc -Description $FullDesc -Fields $fields -Credential $cred

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Matt Baylis
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October 17, 2022

I am experiencing the same issue and using version 2.14.6 of the JiraPS module.

Invoke-JiraMethod :
Reporter is required.

Christopher October 18, 2022

I've just added the answer with some example code.  hope it helps.

Matt Baylis
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I'm New Here
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October 18, 2022

Thanks @Christopher can confirm that indeed that solution works for myself as well.... Whoever maintains the PowerShell module should ideally work on doing an update to it

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September 28, 2023

@Christopher  , I get the same error but the above fix does not work.  

I am using the JiraPS Module in Powershell.  Pseudo Code below:

Get credentials


Populate required fields

$field = @{
Components = @(@{name = 'Team' })
customfield_10450 = @{id = '557058:f7' }
customfield_10333 = @{name = 'IT xxx' }
customfield_10361 = @{name = 'REQUESTS' }
reporter = @{id = '557058:f7' }

$params = @{
Project = $project
IssueType = $issueType
Summary = $summary
Description = $description
Labels = $labels
Fields = $field
Credential = $credential
errorAction = "stop"
if ($field) {
$params.Fields = $field
try {
Write-Output "Issue can be created:`n$_"
New-JiraIssue @params
Write-Output "Issue was created:`n$_"
} catch {
Write-Output "Issue cannot be created:`n$_"


I get the following Error:

PS>TerminatingError(New-JiraIssue): "Jira's metadata for project [ITDBABI] and issue type [Task] specifies that a field is required that was not provided (name=[Reporter], id=[reporter]). Use Get-JiraIssueCreateMetadata for more information."
Issue cannot be created:
Jira's metadata for project [ITDBABI] and issue type [Task] specifies that a field is required that was not provided (name=[Reporter], id=[reporter]). Use Get-JiraIssueCreateMetadata for more information.

Any Help would be greatly appreciated.

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