
Manoj August 9, 2022


I am managing an HR project and in that project I need to set a notification email when DOJ (date of candidate join the Company) is today. 
For example DOJ is 10 aug 2022 then jira sent email to hiring manager. 

1 answer

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Manon Soubies-Camy _Modus Create_
Community Leader
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August 9, 2022

Hi @Manoj,

You can use an automation rule to send a notification when DOJ is today. The following rule should work if you replace "Due date" with "DOJ":

  • Trigger:


  • Condition:


  • Action:


Hope this helps,

- Manon

Manoj August 10, 2022

Thanks Manon, where do I find this trigger part in jira? 

Manon Soubies-Camy _Modus Create_
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
August 10, 2022

Oh I didn't see you were running Jira Server. You need Automation for Jira to build this rule, it is included with Jira Cloud and Jira Data Center.

If the app is already installed on your Jira Server, you can create this rule by going to Project settings > Project automation.

Manoj August 10, 2022

No it is not there, is there any other way to achieve this task? 

Manoj August 11, 2022

@Manon Soubies-Camy _Modus Create_  hi, I have created a new issue type in existing project, when I create a new ticket with new issue type it does not show the required fields on screen, do you have ant idea what I am missing in it? 

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